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Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consults on matters for decision by the Board of Directors. This Committee must consider matters including monitoring the company’s financial position, supervising the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls and risk management, stay informed on the audit of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts, and review and monitor auditor impartiality and independence. The Audit Committee should also support the Nomination Committee on proposals for election and remuneration of the company’s auditors and meet with the company’ auditors regularly.

Members are Lars Axelson (ordförande), Adam Dahlberg and Göran Brorsson.

The company’s auditor attends two to three Audit Committee meetings each year.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee reviews and consults on issues affecting the salary, other employment terms, pension benefits and bonus of the CEO and members of Management that report directly to the CEO, and other central compensation issues. The Remuneration Committee should also continuously monitor and evaluate programs for variable compensation to management decided in the year, as well as monitor and evaluate application of the guidelines for remunerating senior management as resolved by the AGM.

Members are Per Wold-Olsen (Chairman), Eva Walde and Adam Dahlberg.

R&D Committee

The duty of the R&D Committee is to supervise the company’s research and development plans at an overarching level. This Committee should also ensure that the company’s research activities are consistent with its long-term strategic corporate goals.

Members are Sorin J. Brull (Chairman) and Eva Walde.