In accordance with the resolution at the Annual General Meeting of Senzime AB (publ) in May, 2024, the three largest shareholders on 1 September 2024 have appointed a Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting.
The three largest shareholders in terms of voting rights (considering owner groupings) as of September 1, 2024, are Adam Dahlberg and his family, AB Segulah and Tredje AP Fonden. They have each appointed a member, as set out below, to form the Senzime Nomination Committee together with the Chairman of the BoardGabriel Urwitz, AB Segulah. Chairman of the Committee
Adam Dahlberg, representating the Crafoord family
Fredrik Rapp
The nomination committee represents approximately 50 procent of the voting rights of the company.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee may do so by e-mail to [email protected].