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TetraGraph and TetraSens Pediatric
One solution for all your pediatric needs
  • Easy and intuitive sensor application
  • Gentle on delicate skin
  • One-size flexible design to fit different patient sizes
  • Trusted EMG technology
Proactive decision support to enhance patient safety

Studies indicate that children run an equally high risk of complications in the use of NMBAs as adults. That's why monitoring neuromuscular blockade is vital for enhancing the safety of of all patients, including your pediatric patients. 

Knowing the current level of muscle paralysis will support you in making proactive and informed decisions.

Optimized NMBA dosing

Supporting you in your choice of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA).

Reversal strategy with precision

Guiding you in choice of reversal agent type and reversal dose for your specific case.

Adequate recovery

Helping you to choose if spontaneous recovery is an option or not, and if adequate recovery of breathing muscles is obtained.

Safe extubation

Assisting you in finding the correct timing for safe tracheal extubation.

Peace of mind with EMG
The easy-to-use TetraGraph monitor
  • One-button start, no hassle getting it into your workflow
  • Accurate, validated data, powered by 5th generation EMG algorithm
  • Trusted technology, used by thousands of clinicians worldwide
Explore quantitative monitoring for pediatric patients

Contact us to request a complimentary demo, and explore how TetraGraph and TetraSens Pediatric can help you enhance pediatric patient care.

One size fits all
Flexibility in size, simplicity in use

TetraSens Pediatric can easily be placed on either hand or foot, helping to improve the workflow in your OR setting. It’s approved to be used on pediatric patients from 28 days after born.

Get additional insights
Four reasons for quantitative monitoring in pediatrics

Read this blog to learn four reasons why you should be using quantitative neuromuscular monitoring for pediatric patients.

Elevating pediatric anesthesia: Expert roundtable

Watch this roundtable discussion to hear a panel of experts sharing their experiences and insights on the challenges faced in pediatric anesthesia