Our customer proposition is underpinned by precision and sustainable advancement:
Senzime stands at the forefront of the healthcare industry with a distinct sustainable approach. Our core strategy is rooted deeply in sustainability, ingrained in every facet of our operations.
Our goal is clear: to be the industry leader in sustainable monitoring solutions and the preferred partner for healthcare systems seeking long-term sustainable commitments.

Through our stringent code of conduct, we engage partners who echo our high standards for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) excellence.
As the sole stand-alone neuromuscular monitor provider aligned with the United Nations Global Compact and with headquarter operations environmental management system certified to ISO 14001, Senzime is redefining industry norms and setting new benchmarks for corporate responsibility.
In our pursuit to safeguard every patient's journey, Senzime is dedicated to integrating sustainability at the heart of healthcare innovation.
We are committed to advancing our monitoring solutions within a framework that prioritizes ecological responsibility, investigating cutting-edge technologies not only elevate patient care but also preserve the world they return to after recovery.
By embedding sustainability into our portfolio and design processes, we lead the path towards a greener, more resilient future in healthcare. This includes e-learning platforms to educate users remotely and limit needs to travel.
Our Strategy is based on a comprehensive approach to sustainability that encompasses the entire product lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to end-of-use, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
Senzime’s 2030 Commitment Roadmap delineates our journey towards groundbreaking sustainability in healthcare. From embracing 100% fossil-free energy and championing the use of sustainable materials in our products, to aligning with global initiatives like the UN Global Compact, each step on our roadmap is a stride towards our vision for an eco-friendly future.
Join us as we transform healthcare with our dedication to environmental stewardship and innovative, sustainable practices.

Senzime’s objective for 2024 is to continue to execute on the sustainability agenda and longer-term aspirations defined in 2022. We've determined priorities to map our environmental impact, we’ve set a baseline and targets for coming years, and extend collaborations with partners, including our commitment to human rights.
In 2023, we implemented our new Code of Conduct on the basis of standards including the UN Global Compact. These two Codes set a framework for how Senzime conducts business on a responsible and sustainable footing. Senzime also focused on education and training, conducting training programs and workshops, including materiality assessments for the Board, Senior Management and key corporate functions.
Senzime has also created a sustainability core team, tasked with driving sustainability work onwards and ensuring continuous improvement. This team has representatives from all key functions and consists of management team members.
Our operations and product development are constantly evolving to support a healthier planet. These initiatives are at the forefront of our regular sustainability-focused committee meetings, ensuring progress is both impactful and continuous.
By embodying our green philosophy in TetraSens, we demonstrate our dedication to minimizing environmental impact, marrying superior quality with eco-efficiency.
Our solutions reduce complexity and elevate standards of quality and safety, embodying the true essence of reliability that healthcare professionals can trust.
With the #commit2zero Landfill Pledge, we foster collaborative progress, underscoring our joint responsibility to nurture a sustainable healthcare ecosystem.
Opting for Senzime products is an investment in a greener future. We're committed to ongoing innovation for eco-friendlier patient safety solutions, today and beyond.
Senzime actively supports the effective use of sensors to minimize waste, coupled with our eLearning strategies that reduce the need for travel, saving time and fostering sustainable practices. As we innovate greener solutions, we ensure our customers stay at the forefront of technology and sustainability, seamlessly integrating advancements without disrupting patient care.
Are you a healthcare professional ready to make a difference?
Discover how our innovative solutions are setting new benchmarks for sustainability in healthcare.
Contact us to learn more about our products, our vision, and how we can work together for a healthier planet.

In addition to the standards and certificates listed, we are following additional regulations as per our regulatory planning process.
Senzime complies with the new Whistleblowing Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1936 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019), which protects not only employees, but also trainees, suppliers and former employees.
We’re also encouraging stakeholders, including partners, to report suspected breaches and areas of improvement through our whistleblower function.